
In A Nutshell

The Being Brain Wise Workshops weave together Eden Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology and a unique practice called The Process.

The Process

The Process is a technique that draws on current scientific understanding of neuroplasticity. It is a six-step practice that takes less than an hour to learn, less than ten minutes to do, and has the capacity to dramatically change your life. The Process is simple, inspiring and extraordinarily powerful.

The Process integrates components from a number of mind and energy based systems, with Neuro-linguistic Programming being the primary one. As The Process is a practice, rather than a treatment, and as repetition is key to brain changes – using it daily for a number of months is how you achieve long term, lasting change.

What to Expect

In a small and supportive group setting, you will learn and practice the techniques, and experience your innate ability to change patterns of ill health, pain or stress.

Workshops are three days, from 10am to 4pm.

The maximum group size of five participants allows each person to receive individualized coaching with a focus on the process of change.

Upcoming Workshops

Next workshop January 2020

Being Brain Wise workshops are offered in Courtenay, Victoria and Vancouver.