
“The Energy Medicine Tools are deceptively simple. I have experienced their effectiveness repeatedly, even though I sometimes still wonder how something like this can work so well.”

Odette Lemay – Physiotherapist

Cultivating Balance with
Eden Energy Medicine

Offered in Courtenay, BC

In these classes you will learn simple techniques to bring more health, energy and balance into your life. Energy Medicine classes use exercises, postures and holds of specific points on the body. It is all very easy; most of the class can be done from a chair… and it’s fun!

Energy Medicine helps you to:

  • enhance your health and combat everyday ailments
  • feel happier, calmer and more alert
  • support your body’s healing systems
  • quickly shift out of fight/flight

When you know some Energy Medicine you have a powerful set of tools in your back pocket. Always available, for those times when you, your friends or your family need a little help. How can that be anything but good?!

Upcoming Classes

Energy Medicine

Next set of classes starts January 2020